Skin Stress: How to Deal With the Signs

Skin Stress: How To Deal With The Signs

Skin stress is not a problem limited to aging people. In fact, most of the people who are suffering from such a condition have not gone beyond their forties yet. The problem with skin stress is that it makes you appear old. Here are some of the well-known signs that you have skin stress and how to deal with them.

An early sign of skin stress is dryness. This is a result of the weakening of the skin’s ability to retain moisture due to cortisol increase. Aside from dryness, the boost of cortisol in the body as a result of stress can also make your skin look dull. Deal with skin dryness by applying skin products that have lower levels of pH to avoid skin allergies.

Another sign you should look out for is redness of skin. Too much stress can cause the blood capillaries just below your skin to swell as a result of increasing blood flow. Along with redness, unusual skin flushing may also occur. Use topical creams that have anti-inflammatory properties to deal with this sign.

Similarly, stress can also result to periorbital puffiness or commonly referred to as eye bags. This can be explained by sleep deprivation due to stress. When you often experience interrupted sleep, fluid can buildup in the area around your eyes. Applying an astringent such as a potato or the usual cucumber slices on the affected area can help relieve the problem.

Believe it or not, stress is also the one to blame for acne breakouts. Acne is the best way to recognize that your skin is being attacked by stress. What stress does is that it increases the inflammation of acne, leading to breakouts. See your doctor immediately if you notice that the usual home remedy of applying salicylic acid is showing negative results.

In conclusion, you have to understand that not all the home remedies mentioned in this article are going to work for everybody. The reason is that we humans differ in skin types. Perhaps the most excellent thing you can do about skin stress if you have one is to find out what remedy works best for your skin type and then apply it.

Amy Chan also writes articles about toilet paper holders. See her most recent write-up about corner shower rod here.

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