I Asked Earlier About Someone Living With an Alcoholic, Would You Mind Reading More?
Question by Josephine: I asked earlier about someone living with an alcoholic, would you mind reading more?
Basically, we’re trying to help someone out, so I’m just trying to get info.
The woman, “Sally”, lived with an alcoholic for many years. “Jim” wasn’t always like that, in fact, he was a top-notch guy in the beginning. Sally and Jim bought a house together, and his alcoholism started to come on full force. We would come over and notice holes punched in the walls, ‘spatters’ of liquid all over the place, etc. And Sally was VERY different. She was always sad and would never come out.
Because Jim spent all of his money at the bars (and a bottle of rum everyday), Sally was left to pay the mortgage. this was 5 years of this. Eventually, she gathered the strength and moved out. But she was still not herself. She was down to 94 lbs (he had called her “fat” several times), she didn’t care about ANYTHING. Jim was still living in the house, not paying the mortgage and she didn’t care. We would say “Sally, you need to quick-sell your house before it goes into forecloser!!” …. she would just shrug her shoulders. So, the house went into forecloser. Jim did a lot of damage to the house (the holes and whatnot), so it’s worth a lot less. They’re going to owe a good 20k to the bank.
What can Sally do? This is not her fault, but it’s not like we can go to a judge and say “well, he was an alcoholic and emotionally abusing her, causing her to not care!”. She was SO different. A baby kitten could have died in her arms and she wouldn’t have even flinched! And now that she’s getting better, she’s realizing what happened in her life while she was living with him. Including a 20k debt. What can she do ??
Best answer:
Answer by CB55
Honestly I don’t think there is anything she can do…I ha a situation mildly like this but it wasn’t a house or a $ 2000 debt, It was a cell phone and a $ 1200 debt. I’m fighting them on the contract being null and void. I honestly don’t think unless a clause can be found in the contract that anything can be done. the only option she would have had was to go to the bank or whatever earlier and talked to them about somehow figuring out a way to fix this before she accumulted the debt. Since it is already been forclosed on there is not alot that can be done. I would go to a tax lawyer or debt lawyer and see if they could help her get her debt underconrtol but she will probably be on the hook for the 20,000. Her only option might be filing for bankrupcy before he does…
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