Can You Get an Alcoholism Diagnosis Changed?
Question by Sammie: Can you get an alcoholism diagnosis changed?
I was convicted of DUI and the probation officer interviewed me and determined I was an alcoholic. She said I was lying about my drinking habits and “in denial”
Can I get a lawyer to get me a second opinion with an actual doctor or psychologist?
What kind of lawyer do I get? Where do I start?
Are there lawyers that specialize in this?
FYI, I have been sober for 2 years. I am 21 years old.
Best answer:
Answer by TotalRecipeHound
Alcoholism is a medical diagnosis and your probation officer actually has NO training in such things. I’m sure you could get that changed by getting an evaluation by a qualified person such as a doctor or psychologist. I presume you HAD a lawyer for the DUI. Ask him/her for reference on this. I presume this supposed ‘diagnosis’ affects your probation.
I’ve taken some of those online tests for alcoholism and they indicate that I have a drinking problem, which is so far from the truth as to be ridiculous. For instance, a question says “does drinking affect your ability to sleep”. I have to say yes to that, but any amount of alcohol prevents me from sleeping, even normal dosages of Nyquil (which is why I don’t take that stuff). But it does tell you why these tests have to be interpreted by someone with training. Someone who has been blotto once is in nowhere the same area as someone who does it regularly, for instance.
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