Redefining Family Solidarity

Redefining Family Solidarity

Drug abuse is a matter that is draws much attention and condemnation in the society. Drugs by simple definition include those in rare or unprocessed and those in finished or processed forms.

A lot of those that are involved in drug were influenced by their friends either in school or outside the school. This as a result connotes that parents/guardians are required to watch out for the kind of friends their children are moving with both in the school and outside it.

The bad effects of drug taking in the society cannot be underestimated. Because of the drug abuse, a lot of youths are now into social vices such as stealing, pilfering, assassinations, armed robbery and prostitution. It is believed that such drugs obtain them the boldness to involve in such acts.

In a home where drug abuse occurs, it is most likely that violence also happens. Statistics show that more and more children are abandoned by their parents or are mistreated because of drugs and violence. As a result, grandparents or some other relative are taking over the responsibility of parenting.

Related to drugs and violence is alcoholism among parents. Many studies have already shown that an alcoholic parent breaks up a family and consequently incurs deep emotional damages of children. Children of alcoholic parents frequently grow up with anger, resentment, lack of self-confidence and anti-social behavior.

Authorities also believe that the absence of the father in a family is a leading cause of a lot of society’s social problems like poverty, crime and failure in school. A family abandoned by a father is deprived of a source of income making it hard for the mother to accomplish the physical and emotional needs of the children.

Poverty leads to crime, misbehavior in school and lack of direction among growing children. Father’s authorities further say, bring something irreplaceable and naturally masculine to a family. There are characteristics such as discipline, risk-taking and decisiveness, all attributed to the father. Economic pressures have greatly affected the traditional family most especially the role of the father as a co-parent.

Emerson Ross

Emerson Ross





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