Q&A: Sorry for TMI but Does Anyone Else Have Problems Going Potty?
Question by March BabyBoy: Sorry for TMI but does anyone else have problems going potty?
My husband and I are TTC– I am not really sure when my exact ovulation was but I am anywhere from 5-9 days past ovulation. I am SUPER healthy since we started trying– don’t drink, smoke, eating lots of veggies and fruits, exercising, drinking water, etc…and now I can’t go to the bathroom. Sorry for TMI but since two days now I am having constipation problems when I am normally quite regular.
I know this can be a “sign” but I also think it’s way too early for this to be happening. I don’t have any other symptoms except for mildly sore breats but I just don’t understand how I can be living such a healthy life style and now suffer from constipation. :(
Has this happened to anyone else?
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