How to Help Teenage Depression With a Teen Treatment Center

How to Help Teenage Depression With a Teen Treatment Center

Teen treatment centers in the US are now being flooded with a deluge of teen depression problems.  It has been proved by reports that nearly 22 percent of teens suffer from severe depression which spirals well into their adulthood.  In seven percent cases, there have been suicidal tendencies also.  Compared to adult depression, teen depression tends to last longer.  This may come as a shock but it is true because today’s teen is in compulsive pressure to perform in academics, sports; they are pressurized to meet the expectations of their parents who take fat study loans thinking that their children will be able to study and pay it back. 

 Here are some of the reasons for teen depression:

Over-expectations by parents to study and get good grades.
 Troubled relationship at home; fights at home between parents and the issue of one or both the parents having a drinking problem.
Peer pressure and the inability to fit into a particular peer group and being branded as a ‘loser’
 Health problems; perceptions of being too fat  or too thin, or too ugly
 Relationship problems: break-up, loss of friendship, death of a pet. Teens are affected three times more by these problems than adults.
 Lack of career guidance: Teens find themselves at sea when they feel that they are lacking in the right career guidance as compared to their friends.
Drug and Alcohol addiction: Teens who abuse nicotine, drugs and alcohol are pushed more into depression and the same depression makes them addicted.


So we see from the above factors that teens tend to have a higher degree of depression compared to adults.  Almost 95 percent of suicide victims in their teens have taken the fatal step due to a long-standing depression that was not addressed properly according to authorities. It is good that now we have teen rehab programs that have been successful in preventing such causalities.  It has also been found out that there is a co-relation between teens who are depressed and those who take drugs including prescription drugs and club drugs like Ecstasy.



 Parents need to take a careful but tolerant view of teen problems.  It is the duty of the concerned people to make sure that the teen is taken to a teen rehab center especially if it looks like that the teen seems to be perennially in some form of worry or anxiety. Some of the symptoms include mumbling, stammering and hesitating due to anxiety and tension, panic attacks, a tendency to withdraw into one’s own shell, continual breaking down etc.


 Teen addiction treatment facilities have a team of therapists, doctors and counselors who are able to distill the mind of the teen, clear the confusion in his or her mindset, flush the negative thoughts and make the individual realize his or her self-worth. They take constructive steps to see that the confidence and the determination factor is bolstered so that teens are able to chart their own course for success.

Find more information on Teen Addiction Treatment. Helpful and informative information on Teen Rehab Centers is available.

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