What Is the BEST Type of Rum – Dark, Light or Spiced – to Use in “Rum and Diet Coke”?

Question by Just*Jess: What is the BEST type of rum – dark, light or spiced – to use in “rum and diet coke”?
What is the BEST type of rum – dark, light or spiced – to use in “rum and diet coke”?? I will be adding either lime or something else, and I need a rum that will be good with the diet coke. I’m 24 and have always had the girlie sugary and sweet drinks, and have been on atkins for a few weeks – and lol, need a drink!! I want a rum thats not going to be very “alcoholic” tasting and will go great with my soda… Thanks for any and all help!

Best answer:

Answer by Paranormal Kitty
You shouldn’t be drinking alcohol. Just enjoy your diet coke sans mind altering substance.

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