Alcoholics Anonymous (Fourth Edition of the Big Book, the Basic Text for Alcoholics Anonymous) Audio Cassettes (Alcoholics Anonymous, Big Book)

Alcoholics Anonymous (Fourth Edition of the Big Book, the Basic Text for Alcoholics Anonymous) audio cassettes (Alcoholics Anonymous, Big Book)

The Big Book on audiotape cassettes. A reading of the first 11 chapters and the first two stories. A series of 6 tapes in a book-like binder. Fourth Edition (2001) of the Big Book, basic stext of A.A. Since 1939, it has helped millions of men and women recover from alcoholism. Chapters describing the A.A. recovery program remain unchanged. New stories have been added to the personal histories. It’s more than a book. It’s a way of life. Alcoholics Anonymous-the Big Book-has served as a lifeline t

Price: $ 50.00