Is There a Name for a Possible Psychological Condition for Men Who Like to Wear Speedos and “skimpy” Attire?
Question by guynspeedos: Is there a name for a possible psychological condition for men who like to wear speedos and “skimpy” attire?
This has nothing to do with homosexuality or exhibitionism. I am completely hetero and do not desire to show my privates, I just find wearing “speedos”, squarecuts, nylon-tricot jogging shorts and shorts with a 3 to 4 inch inseam to be far more comfortable than what is now “in style” for men these days. Unlike addictions such as alcoholism, narcotics, gambling and pornography, I see no harm except for the negative social side effects of wearing these items. Can’t publically wear these items without the half-hidden giggles, scowls and cat calls so it has turned me into something of a recluse. Just wondering if there was an actual name to this “condition”. Seems like woman can devulge in this with no problem, an entire section in Wal-Mart is devoted to this and there’s Victorias Secret – it’s just a big faux pas for straight men.
Just have to add this has nothing do with cross-dressing, transvestitism or any of that. I’m a man and not ashamed of it. I just wish I could wear a little less when swimming and around the yard without all the negative vibes. Not sure but I may have an OCD.
Best answer:
Answer by hiba
Just try wearing them under some of your most comfortable ,loose daily attire.
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