Q&A: I Have No Medical Insurance, Where Can I Go for Psychological Reasons?- Sacramento Area?
Question by nohatashereyo: I have no medical insurance, Where can I go for psychological reasons?- Sacramento area?
I need to get a prescription of a antidepressant/anti anxiety. Really bad, it’s crippling.
I have no medical insurance and I can’t get medical or anything like that.
I have contacted the local agency that deal with this and they referred me to a clinic.So I asked them but they say they don’t cover “Treatment for mental disorders, alcoholism or drug addiction.”
Can anyone help me or point me in the right direction? I’m looking for something in the greater Sacramento Area.
and before anyone says I need counseling first, I’ve tried it and it didn’t help…I don’t think I can actually get to another counselor anyways with this anxiety.
Best answer:
Answer by ?
check your phone book for mental health clinic in your area.
or ask the local health clinic where the mental health clinic is, they should know.
most clinics you can call and get in to see the psychiatrist to get the meds right away and then they will set you up with a counselor.
and yes, you probably do need counseling, try a different counselor. not all counselors work for all people
many clinics adjust payment according to your income.
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