Q&A: Theists… Put This in Your Pipe and Smoke It?

Question by To Troll or Not to Troll: Theists… put this in your pipe and smoke it?
I used to be an atheist. Until I started experimenting with drugs and alcohol. Now I’m an agnostic.

After some objective introspection, this brought up more questions than answers. I was forced to ask myself: is it that drugs and alcohol “opened my mind” to the possibility of the existence of a god?


Was my newfound open-mindedness just a symptom of a drug-induced hallucination?

Drugs and alcohol kill brain cells, right? So it’s probably safe to assume that I was smarter before using drugs and alcohol than I am now.

So, when I was smarter, I was an atheist.
Now that I am “less smart”, I am an agnostic.
If I continued to kill brain cells, how long before I would become a full-blown theist?

What does this say about theism?

Mind you, I do honestly believe that there MIGHT be a god or higher power of some sort… so in a sense I am actually making fun of myself. It’s okay, I can take it as well as I can dish it out.

But seriously… does this say something about theism? Or, rather, does it say something about drugs and alcohol? Is it possible that recreational drug and alcohol use leads to a greater understanding of the universe? Or does it just make people dumber, and thus, more prone to buying into religious delusions?
Uhuru, it’s really not that long. Is your attention span that short? You must have used more drugs and alcohol than I have.
mo — certainly, if used to a certain extent. I no longer use either, and most intelligence tests seem to indicate that I am still smarter than the average bear (and human).
Giggles, me and millions of other people. I’m in good company. Certainly better company than the self-righteous puritanical bunch, I think. Besides, is it any worse a decision than deciding to blindly believe what some book tells me to believe?
Agnostic, that would be what is known as a “bad trip”
@ here use [knife] — actually, you have proven my point… one of my points, rather… the one about drug use killing brain cells. Now see, mo, I am an example of someone who stopped before brain damage set in… Mr. Knife over here is an example of someone who went full speed right over that cliff.
Without Reason, your name is a total misnomer, and I apologize for suggesting that agnosticism is somehow inferior to atheism. You make a good argument. Chalk one up to “drugs and alcohol opening one’s mind”. I still think blindly following a religion is absurd, of course… but there is nothing wrong with pondering the possibility. I suppose it isn’t fair to entirely discount the existence of a god just because man may have made the theory sound ridiculous. And, by that same token, atheism could be considered a “religion” in that it is a blind faith belief based entirely on a theory and lacking all evidence.

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