Is Divorce Really Worse Than “Working on It”?
Question by outOfLoveForHer: Is divorce really worse than “working on it”?
My wife and I met in High School and “dated” for 8 years before getting married, and have been married 13 years.We have 2 kids in elementary school. We are both under 40 years old. My wife stayed home through the birth of our kids and then shortly after my second child, she decided to go back to school for her Masters degree, I helped out in every way I could while she went to school, I worked nights and took care of the kids during the day. This strained our relationship severely, but it was already not healthy. I feel my wife could be a “rageaholic” (she comes from an alcoholic family, as do I) and I had been dealing with alcoholism myself which seemed to get worse. Until now, I quit drinking 1 1/2 mos. ago. I don’t think I ever really “loved” my wife, and I think we’re in denial about WHY we married and whether or not we’re even in love. She said we should stay together “for the kids”, but I think this is not the best way. I hope someone has some insight or a story to share.
Schwinn…no girlfriend
Infritsk…I never said I was looking for another relationship
Janetrmi….My wife is religious, I am not
Sandie….What about her anger….that is still there, and she has made no apparent effort to resolve this issue
Paul M…What you say is basically what the book, Too Good to leave, Too bad to stay” by Mira Kirshenbaum states, and I read the book cover to cover.
We have tried counseling several times and she never likes the therapists, I think she doesnt like hearing what they have to say.
In addition to all I’ve said already, I also do not get the feeling she really cares about me, unless she has a vested interest in the situation.
Best answer:
Answer by Schwinn
Do you have a girlfriend? Usually that’s the case when married people asked questions like this.
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