Increasing the Odds of Success at Your Driver License Restoration Hearing

Increasing The Odds Of Success At Your Driver License Restoration Hearing

Here are some things you can do to increase the odds of success at your hearing.

Hire an attorney who practices in the area of driver’s license restoration. Before the hearing, an attorney can help you:

gather evidence
file the correct paperwork
prepare you to testify.

At the hearing, an attorney can:

elicit testimony from you
question any witnesses
submit key evidence
argue your case to restore your license.

What do you need to prove?

To restore your Michigan drivers license, you must compellingly prove 4 elements

That your alcohol and/or substance abuse problem is under control and will likely remain under control in the future.
That you have a low risk of drunk driving and a low risk of past abusive behavior.
That you have the ability and motivation to drive carefully and within the law.
You must prove 6 – 12 months of sobriety. In my experience, most will have to prove 12 months of continued sobriety before the hearing.

In summary, you must prove that you have put your alcohol/substance abuse problem behind you and that you are a good candidate for safe driving. Keep in mind that you must prove these things by clear and convincing evidence.

Here is What You Can Do to Improve Your Odds of Success

Finish your alcohol treatment or counseling. If you were required to attend alcohol/drug abuse treatment or counseling, finish the program. At your hearing to restore your driver’s license, your attorney can present these records as proof that you addressed the problem and that you are committed to overcoming it.

Actively participate in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or another structured support group. AA truly assists many. By attending AA you show your continued commitment to getting over your alcohol/substance abuse problem. It demonstrates that you take the matter seriously. Ensure you commit to memory the serenity prayer and the twelve steps.
How much should you attend? The best advice is the more the better. The greater the frequency and length of AA attendance the better. If possible, get an AA sponsor. Your AA sponsor can be very helpful in documenting your attendance and commitment. Your AA sponsor can testify at your hearing or submit a letter in your support.

Sobriety letters. Letters of sobriety help you prove that you have been sober and are committed to remaining that way. Well before your hearing, lay the groundwork for getting a cross-section of family, friends and co-workers to write supporting letters. These letters are crucial to your success at your hearing to restore your driver’s license.

About Attorney Mark Langschied
Need help with Michigan driver’s license restoration?  As a southeast Michigan attorney for 20 years, Mark brings his background, experience and determination to argue  Michigan driver’s license reinstatement cases.

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