How to Deal With Police Catching You for Sudden Speed Limit Changes?

Question by M S: How to deal with police catching you for sudden speed limit changes?
I was caught speeding when I failed to response quickly enough to a speed limit sign that reduced the speed limit from 60mph to 45 mph that I honestly did not see until I was up near the sign.
Yes, I was paying attention. Yes I had my license and insurance. No I didn’t have any alcohol in my system. No I did not flee the scene. Yes I admitted my speed straight out. Yes I was wearing my seat-belt. Yes I used my turn signal when I pulled over. No I did not have any speeding or otherwise moving violations in the past year. No there were not homes or buildings on the side of the road or anything obvious to tell me I was in town (I was, in fact, near the edge of the town).

I told the cop I was admiteddly speeding at 65mph but didn’t any 45mph signs before the one he was next to and honestly did think I was in a 60 mph zone until I saw the sign. He then told me “well but it’s not the first 45 mph sign”. And he was right it wasn’t…but, in that same town area, there were several 60 mph and 45 mph signs alternating…but at that point I figured he did not care and I’d only get myself in worse trouble by trying to explain.

I just feel I’m playing roulette when I drive near small towns because it seems if there aren’t drivers around me to hint me in on the speed limit before I hit a speed limit sign it’s a game of can I see that sign faster than the any cop near that sign can radar me. I’ve seen cops do the same thing to other cars as well…and I’m not talking idiot drivers who hit 80 mph or swerve through slower traffic or don’t signal or tailgate; I’m talking about well behaved drivers.

Anyhow, I’ve only driven past that town about 5 times and already have a ticket and several other times around there got caught in similar “what the heck?” situation where I saw a 45 mph sign at random in low traffic areas and obviously hit the breaks to slow down for my own safety (IE there were no other cars or cops in sight…but I figured there was probably a fair reason IE a blind intersection somewhere).

I’m leaning toward just simply never driving on highways that go through small towns (IE take a bus or fly for such vacations) unless I can, for example, find some more clever techniques through which to avoid getting caught near a much-slower speed limit sign at the last second. How could I negotiate (both driving/looking-for-signals and actually dealing with any policemen if necessary) better next time?

Best answer:

Answer by Tundra Rob
You know speed limits can change quickly in or near towns, and it is no excuse to say that you didn’t see the sign. Signs are clearly placed to be visible, so unless you can prove it was obstructed by something then you have no cause to gripe.
You messed up and were caught.
Pay your fine and get over it.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!