Why Don’t People Who Neglect or Abuse Their Kids Just Give Them Up?

Question by Chloe: why don’t people who neglect or abuse their kids just give them up?
For example, I read an article recently about a couple in their 20’s who had an 11 month-old girl and a 22 month-old boy that they neglected. They were dehydrated, underweight and had cat urine matted in their hair when they were found. The parents claimed that their “internet addiction” and addiction to video games was what made them neglect their kids. I think that’s b.s. but besides that, it led me to wonder why they wouldn’t just hand them over to someone else (child welfare, a relative, etc) since they obviously don’t love them. How else could you let your almost 1 year-old child get down to 10 pounds?! I understand that people have addictions to drugs, alcohol etc but I still can’t see how if you don’t care about your kids why you would keep them. What do you think?

Best answer:

Answer by ness tea
I think you might have answered it yourself…because they don’t care enough to find a way to get their kids the attention and love that they deserve. That’s sad. Some people shouldn’t be allowed to have kids!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!