AA Contradiction, Please Help?

Question by Joe: AA contradiction, please help?
I have a question about AA and if this is a contradiction or not please help.

One of AA’s principles is- reliance upon a higher power and not your own. i.e. GOD
Another is- Once an Alcoholic always an alcoholic.

I see a contradiction in that by saying “once an alcoholic always an alcoholic” one takes away the power of the lord to heal, I can do ****all things** through Christ is what the bible teaches. “All things means All things” including FULL recovery, I find this interesting please will someone input some thoughts about this

Best answer:

Answer by Llamáme por su apellido.
You are misconstruing what they are teaching.

What they mean is you need to look beyond yourself to find recovery, which is why most turn to faith.

The once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic is simple:

There are four phases to drinking.
Phase 1- social drinking (You don’t drink to get drunk, you can easily start a conversation, set your drink down and forget about it)
Phase 2- State dependent learning (you think about when you can drink, how much you can drink, who you will go drink with, etc)
Phase 3- Psychological Dependence (You only think about alcohol and you do not believe there is a problem)
Phase 4- Alcohol dependence—Alcoholism. Within Phase 4 there are three types.
1. Beginner
2. Middle
3. Late phase (which is usually close to death).

Once you hit Phase 4, you can never EVER go back to being a social drinker in phase 1. Thus, you must abstain from alcohol use.

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