A Question to Jehovah’s Witnesses About Cannabis?

Question by gefleif: A question to Jehovah’s Witnesses about Cannabis?
Hi, genuinely in peace…

In conversation with a friend who is a JW (but you’d never guess it)recently I was knocked again for my preference to smoke weed. Granted, smoking of any kind is massively damaging my body. I accept that. I was also knocked for the fact it is illegal. Ok fair enough again, I choose to do something that is illegal and damaging to my lungs with my free will.

Ok… so in that same conversation I asked, what is wrong then with eating weed instead of smoking? No smoking at all involved… the answer came back it is still illegal and a mind altering substance.

I replied that I felt the legal alcohol to be more disillusioning and harmful than weed, ok, compare me after say 10 joints… and me after ten pints of Guinness…I’d possibly be up for a one night stand, maybe a fight, maybe ill.. that’s just me (no i dont drink!). Surely around the world there are more problems with alcoholics than weed users, hence I felt myself right about alcohol v weed.

So it got bounced back to me, weed is illegal whether you smoke it or eat it, that it is made ellegal by the government. So I then said but JWs believe in sacred life, yet celebrate the law making of governments that legalise and provide abortion??!! How can this JW quote and support government legislation to suit?

After that conversation, I wasn’t trying to win a battle but the JW in question said she would check what the Watchtower has to say…

I don’t get this thing of following the laws of Caesar or something… and actively supporting government policy with regards to the illegality of weed, yet glossing over the legality of abortion in that conversation.

Whether or not I smoke or instead eat weed, I’ll still do so after that conversation. The JW in question was so biased against weed, yet and I’m not exaggerating here… but in person i have seen several times that she drinks beyond “moderation” on nights out, gets flirty, loud and lairy… granted she is not promiscuous but clearly that is alcohol changing her… yet she turns a blind eye to that.

I’m after opinion from JWs on what is so wrong with me continuing to take this “illegal drug” as my tipple of choice while you are able to drink alcohol which I feel to be many times more destructive to health and lifestyle.

I had my thoughts provoked by this person, and sometimes we get into some deep conversations… but this one is bugging me. What is so wrong to God / Jesus about weed? Ok, don’t smoke it then, but, I could plant a seed, grow it and not use any lab or chemicals, eat the plant … what would be wrong with that?

Thanks to any Jehovah’s Witnesses who take time to read this and for replies. Not knocking your beliefs, just trying to see what is so wrong with if I chose to eat weed instead. Thanks.
Hi- of course it is mind altering. Head to any city centre after after midnight, have a look around, many altered minds: changes in behaviour via alcohol, loud, lairy, lowered inhibitions, agrression etc. I still think alcohol is much worse.
Interesting answers. Thanks.

Ok, if God is the creator, then he created cannabis. I take your points about dealers and criminal activity, I agree that as it is illegal it entirely causes criminal activity. So, worldly governments deem it illegal…

But God created it for his people here to enjoy. Everything in moderation, right? So drinking five bottles of wine is bad. Yet a glass or two is ok. Comparitevely, what then is wrong with a small amount of cannabis being eaten? If God put it here for me to enjoy, but to use it within a “moderated” dose, what harm is there?

I could grow my own (entirely small scale) and naturally produce it without dealers etc… it literally grows then… on trees. Even alcohol doesnt grow on trees, and is bought about by chemical manipulation processes to develop the alcoholic presence…

In this moderated way… avoiding smoking, avoiding dealers… weed still comes across as ok…

Best answer:

Answer by Smiling JW
People use weed for it’s delusive effects where alcohol is moderated to being pleasant not mind altering.

Using weed defiles the body, alters your perception. You confuse moderate drinking to getting drunk. Getting drunk is as bad as recreational drug taking.

I know about weed I used to smoke it regularly before I had a home Bible study and made the changes in my life for baptism.

Alcohol taken in the moderation that God allows is not worse, it is something enjoyable. People do not have to be mind altered to enjoy a glass of wine with a meal. (Psalm 104:15) “And wine that makes the heart of mortal man rejoice”

(2 Corinthians 7:1) Therefore, since we have these promises, beloved ones, let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in God’s fear.

(1 Corinthians 5:11) But now I am writing YOU to quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man.

The Bible gives us good reason to stay clear of mind altering drugs. We have to keep our minds clear and clean so that we can protect ourselves from bad temptations.
Also cannabis is linked to criminal activity. Do you really expect to see true Christians going to a drug dealer putting valuable financial resources into getting high?

What do you think? Answer below!