Q&A: Depression, Confidence and My Sexuality?
Question by Taz: Depression, confidence and my sexuality?
For about the past 2-3 years, I have been getting worst “symptoms”, from loneliness, lack of confidence and becoming more shy, to social phobia, anxiety and mild depression. Recently, I have also realized that I sort of have a “wall” and have become much more fearful of opening up to almost anyone.
The thing is, I have not had any major trigger that I think could have caused this, and the longer it has been, the more these “symptoms” have become the source of even more problems.
But, if I look back, it has also been about 2-3 years since I realized I was bi.
So, mainly, I was wondering if this discovery could have been so traumatic for me.
On top of that, I am still discovering about my sexuality, of course, but, the more I have gotten into detail, the more unsure I have become about it. At first I was thinking I was about a 3 on the kinsey scale, but now feeling like it’s more like a 4 or a 5.
So, other questions: how long did it take you to come to terms with your sexuality?
How did you start to gain confidence?
How did you gain more certainty about your sexuality?
What are your suggestions?
I know that these are not black and white questions, but any answers would help!
Thank you for your help :)
Best answer:
Answer by ?Melody?
I’m still coming to terms with it .
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