Why Is It That People Are So Against Smoking and Other Drugs but Okay With Drinking?

Question by Ji542: Why is it that people are so against smoking and other drugs but okay with drinking?
I mean I understand people can make their own personal choices and if they want to drink thats fine thats their choice I however am really against all drugs legal or not and I don’t get how people can be so against some drugs and claim they are harmful and all that but then be perfectly fine with other ones like at my school we’re constantly shown videos and told about how bad smoking is but I’ve never heard any teacher say that drinking is bad or shown a video about the negative effects of it on the contrary I’ve heard some of them before talking about how good drinking is and in a way glorifying it and I just don’t get it because if you look at society as a whole in the last couple of years without making it illegal or anything everyone has completely gone against smoking and started all these campaigns to show the bad effects of it and get it out of tv ads or places where it can affect/be seen by the general public but with beer and other alcoholic beverages they’re still plenty of ads for it on tv plenty of movies and shows and such glorifying it especially to people my age and with society in general drinking is just like a perfectly normal thing when out of all the drugs available alcohol is one of the worst for you and I know a lot of people will say oh well I only drink in moderation! well I’ve known plenty of people who drink quite a few who said that kind of stuff and they never drank in moderation they all got drunk at least once and constantly would drink so much that they wouldn’t get drunk but they would at least get a bit tipsy so I really don’t believe when people tell me they drink in “moderation” and so to summarize everything I just said why is it that people can be against smoking but be so in favor of drinking which is a drug too and equally as harmful
that’s not what I meant and you know that
T- completely agree with you alcohol can affect so many people! it can cause accidents because of DWI or can cause people to abuse someone because they don’t know what they are doing and I mean its just such a bad thing

brkshandilya- I completely agree with you also we really do need to do something to change how society looks at this because it really is worse for you than smoking and even some of the drugs considered illegal and and like you said I it really does kind of go against good morals and creates damage to that too

Mrs. Cookies! – yes that’s very true! I’m 16 and I have friends at school who will make fun of the people who smoke pot but then they’ll be bragging to me about how they got drunk and I’ll tell them like don’t you think there might be something wrong with drinking too? and they’re reply will just be oh no because alcohol is something that you can get at a store and is legal not like that other stuff! just as you mentioned people do

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