How to Cope With a Teenage Drinker: Changing Adolescent Alcohol Abuse (Master Work Series)

How to Cope With a Teenage Drinker: Changing Adolescent Alcohol Abuse (Master Work Series)

Alcohol abuse among teenagers has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. Teenagers are starting to drink earlier than ever – typically at age thirteen or fourteen – and more of them, both boys and girls, are drinking to intoxication on a regular basis. It has been estimated that over three million teenagers are out-and-out alcoholics. Several million more have a serious drinking problem that they cannot manage on their own. Teenage drinking problems account for tens of thousands of h

List Price: $ 35.00

Price: $ 69.13

Growing up with Alcohol

In Growing up with Alcohol, Emma Fossey investigates the development and knowledge of young children’s attitudes towards alcohol and presents reviews of available evidence on the drinking habits of young people and the effectiveness of alcohol education. By examining children’s orientations to alcohol, including their own experiences of drinking and their attitudes towards adult drinking, as well as their perceptions of cultural norms of drinking, she uncovers the motives behind their consumpti

List Price: $ 180.00

Price: $ 142.00