Alcoholism: Brain Protein Called Vimentin Can Indicate Damage to the Hippocampus … – Science Daily (Press Release)

Brain Protein Called Vimentin Can Indicate Damage to the Hippocampus … – Science Daily (press release)
Filed under: Alcoholism

Brain Protein Called Vimentin Can Indicate Damage to the Hippocampus
Science Daily (press release)
Results will be published in the March 2013 issue of Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research and are currently available at Early View. "We know that the extent of damage following alcohol exposure depends heavily on the manner in which it is
Binge drinking can dramatically amplify damage to the liverEurekAlert (press release)
What's the Best Minimum Drinking Age? Researchers Say 21770kob
Lower drinking ages can have an impact on later drinking patternsMedical Xpress

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