SoberFinder™ – National 12-Step Meeting Finder

SoberFinder™ – National 12-Step Meeting Finder

4+~~Sober Recovery~~SoberRecovery, LLC~~, LLC asserts a copyright for all code and customized database procedures. A specific Trademark is asserted and pending under serial number 77837946 with the United States Patent and Trademark Office registered September 30, 2009. ~~1.0~~2031991~~197408~~

Price: $ 0.00
Sold by Apple iTunes

AA Grapevine October 2004 (AA Grapevine, 61 # 5)
Small magazine. B/W photographs and illustrations throughout. Stapled binding. 15 stories….

Changing Spirits: From Beer Cans to God
Poems of a recovering alcoholic…

AA Grapevine April 2003 (AA Grapevine, 59 #11)
Magazine. 5.5 X 7.5 inches. Stapled binding. B/W photographs and illustrations throughout….