Ramblin' Man: Driving Stoned and Driving Drunk Not the Same

The Dangers Of Alcohol Abuse in the News

Ramblin' Man: Driving stoned and driving drunk not the same
Filed under: the dangers of alcohol abuse

"It is well established that alcohol increases accident risk. Evidence of … On the other side, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, crashes and impaired drivers often combine the two, alcohol and pot, so getting data isn't easy. The …


DUI – Why risk everything?
Filed under: the dangers of alcohol abuse

ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE, S.D. | While drinking alcohol is routinely included as part of some social gatherings – drinking responsibly is at times overlooked. Airmen should know that when they decide to drink and drive, they put everything on the line …


Every 15 Minutes someone dies as the result of an alcohol-related collision
Filed under: the dangers of alcohol abuse

Chase Paulson found a grisly scene after the fatal car accident, a dramatic presentation to North Union High School Students on the dangers of drinking and driving. Photo by Michael Tidemann. Thursday began with a series of beeps over the school public …


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