'Party Down South' Is a 'Vile Travesty,' 'Dukes of Hazzard' Star Ben Jones

Alcoholic Behaviors in the News

'Party Down South' is a 'vile travesty,' 'Dukes of Hazzard' star Ben Jones
Filed under: alcoholic behaviors

Idiotic alcoholic behavior exists all over the world. It is not to be celebrated. We can only hope that one of these “Party Down South” bozos doesn't kill somebody while driving in a blackout. It happens somewhere every night in America. That's the …


New Thinking On Women And Alcohol
Filed under: alcoholic behaviors

You intervene when the condition is mild,” she says. One program that offers an alternative to abstinence is Moderation Management, which recommends taking a 30-day break from drinking, and then using its strategies to change drinking behavior.


Delaware officials urge safety for Super Bowl
Filed under: alcoholic behaviors

“If your postseason game plan includes alcohol, make sure you have identified a designated driver,” Delaware OHS Director Jana Simpler said in a press release. “Never let anyone who has been … In addition to DUI enforcement, the Delaware State Police …


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