Alcoholic in Denial: How Would You Feel if Someone Called You an Alcoholic When You Weren’t?
Question by Lindsey: How Would You Feel if Someone Called You An Alcoholic When You Weren’t?
Hi. I am quite depressed. I would greatly appreciate some hopeful guidance.
Anyways, as a teengaer I was convicted of DUI. I started drinking when I went off to college because I was deeply depressed. A couple weeks before college started I was raped by my boyfriend’s best friend. His friend told everyone that it was consensual and I was harassed constantly by all kinds of people, called a wh***, sl**, etc. It really got to me.
The DUI was a huge wake up call that I CAN’T PUT OTHER INNOCENT PEOPLE IN DANGER just because I was abused…It really changed my life. I now don’t go out at all……….Just stay home, study, go to school, volunteer, do my organizations at school.
I don’t believe I am an alcoholic. However, during probation the probation officer gave me a self-report measure (survery) to fill out. Because I filled out so much little answers (I said I never woke with jitters or drank before 11 am, which was all true.) She said I was “in denial” and called me an alcoholic. I was sent to a rehab program and because I did not admit to being a life long alcoholic, they labeled me “alcoholic in average denial”.
I haven’t drank since the arrest. I NEVER WILLD RINK AGAIN.
I am applying to law school this coming fall. I don’t know what to say….I want to say the truth taht my DUI was a huge wake up call and it convinced me never to rink and change my life. But then I am worried they may say that I am lying…..Since my probation officer labeled me an alcohlic.
What do you think>? I HATE that label of an alcoholic.
What do I do?
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Obviously if all of what you say is true and you have had a realization like this, you shouldn’t allow anyone to tell you that you’re something you are not. I’m extremely sorry for what happened to you, and I hope with all my heart that things will get better. =[
Just tell them the truth, even if they tell you you’re in denial. YOU know, and that’s all that matters.
Oh, and good luck with law school! Keep your mind focused on the future and the better things ahead of you!
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