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New Year, Old Myths, New Fatalities: Alcohol-Related Traffic Deaths Jump During Christmas and New Year's

New Year, Old Myths, New Fatalities: Alcohol-Related Traffic Deaths Jump During Christmas and New Year's
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Scientific studies supported by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) provide important information that challenges these widespread, yet incorrect, beliefs about how quickly alcohol affects the body and how long these effects can last. For more information on celebrating your holidays safely and tips for cutting back, visit:


Alcohol-Related Traffic Deaths Jump During Christmas and New Year's
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Bethesda, MD–Dec. 23, 2013: Some holiday predictions are, tragically, very predictable. For example, more people are likely to die in alcohol-related traffic crashes during the holidays than at other times of the year.


Ideas for a safe New Year’s Party
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

New Year's Eve parties and alcohol can be a deadly combination, officials with SalusCare, Inc., warned today. "Alcohol consumption typically peaks during the holiday season. We're cautioning everyone to exercise good judgment and to be responsible if they choose to drink.


New alcohol laws a timely reminder
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Northland Police say the new alcohol laws are a timely reminder for people to drink sensibly over the Christmas and New Year holiday.


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