Waikato Pair Combat Substance Abuse in Workers – Waikato Times

Waikato pair combat substance abuse in workers – Waikato Times
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Waikato Times

Waikato pair combat substance abuse in workers
Waikato Times
"Drug and alcohol abuse and how to handle it can really fox some farmers, who would rather get on with the business of farming than spend a lot of time on policies, procedures and paperwork," Coombes said. To help other farmers and employers she has

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Ability to ‘Hold Your Liquor’ May Raise Your Alcohol Abuse Risk – Everyday Health
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Ability to 'Hold Your Liquor' May Raise Your Alcohol Abuse Risk
Everyday Health
People who suffer fewer immediate alcohol-related effects after a night of heavy drinking — no hangover, for example — may be at greater risk for alcohol dependence and abuse as their tolerance develops. By Erin Hicks, Everyday Health Staff Writer
A brain protein called vimentin can indicate damage to the hippocampus EurekAlert (press release)
Lower drinking ages can have an impact on later drinking patternsMedical Xpress
Binge drinking can dramatically amplify damage to the liverScience Codex

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Reckless Drinking Related to Friends – dailyRx
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Reckless Drinking Related to Friends
A recent male-twin study looked at risk and protective factors for adolescent and adult alcohol abuse. The results of the study found that men with friends or family who engaged in risk-taking behavior or were troublemakers were more likely to abuse
Alcohol use from adolescence to adulthood follows different, complex pathwaysEurekAlert (press release)

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