Symptoms & Diagnosis: How Do I Get My Androgen Levels Tested?
Question by jennys_girlfriend: How do I get my androgen levels tested?
I have all the textbook “symptoms” of high androgen levels but I want to find out for sure. What kind of doctor does this sort of thing? Or where could I go?
Best answer:
Answer by Reva P
Your family doctor can order any types of tests and can interpret the results. Just ask. S/he can also help to treat many problems. If there is something that is beyond the scope of his/her knowledge, you will be referred to the appropriate specialist. In this case, that might be an endocrinologist and not a GYN. But start with your GP, always.
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Double Take: Take depression in teens seriously
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Dr. Wes: We're halfway through Katie's tenure on Double Take, and every week she makes it harder for me to match her work. Whether you like “labels” or not, a good diagnosis is crucial. The first thing to consider is whether the symptoms result from …
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Simple Remedies for Arthritis Pain Relief (Part 3 of 4) | HealthiNation
Simple remedies for the pain. Related Videos: What is Arthritis? (Part 1 of 4) | HealthiNation Arthritis Symptoms & Diagnosis (Part 2 of 4) | HealthiNation Treatment Options for Arthritis (Part 4 of 4) | HealthiNation TRANSCRIPT: Coping with Arthritis The treatments for arthritis vary according to which type you have, which joints are affected, the intensity of the pain and how it affects your daily life. There is no cure for arthritis, but there are many things you can do to cope with the condition. Lifestyle Choices Practice good posture. This will help keep your bones and joints aligned. Walking is an easy way to improve posture. Watch your weight. Your body weight has a large impact on the amount of stress on your muscles and bones. Excess fat cells also release chemicals that trigger inflammation. Exercise. Activity will help to keep your weight under control, but don’t overdo it. If your body starts to hurt, you should stop. Swimming and the stationary bike are two great options since they are easier on the joints than weight-bearing exercises like walking or dancing. Keep moving and stretch. To reduce stiffness, try to avoid sitting or standing in the same position for long periods of time. When writing or using your hands, give your hands a rest every 10 to 15 minutes. On long car trips, get out of the car. Stretch and move around at least once an hour. And when you’re picking up an object, bend your knees and squat …
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