Drug and Alcohol Intervention-RNTV Episode 9 Part 1

Alcohol Alcoholism: Drug and Alcohol Intervention-RNTV Episode 9 Part 1

recoverynowtv.com Perhaps the most emotionally powerful episode to date, the ninth installment of Recovery Now focuses on learning how to repair the complex damage done to personal and familial relationships in the wake of an addiction. Heather, a beautiful, soft-spoken young woman, shares how drug addiction ultimately destroyed her relationship with her ex-husband, Travis, and robbed her of the opportunity to be a mother to her baby daughter. Now with the help of therapist Carol, Heather faces Travis and reunites with her daughter for the first time in months. We also meet Michelle, a pain-pill addict, who has made a miraculous transformation. On the show and with the guidance of her counselor, Nancy, Michelle gets the opportunity to read a tearful amends letter to her daughter.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

Alcohol Alcoholism: Sen. Jeff Klein: Still A Ways To Go On Four Loko – Updated
"To that end, Phusion will develop a new, resealable can for its current 23.5-ounce, 12 percent alcohol-by-volume (ABV) Four Loko products. The new can closure technology, the first for any alcoholic beverage worldwide, is expected to be available in
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