Accidently in Love_ One-Shot.
it’s for xxwriter53xx’s contest. I know I won’t win, but it’s worth a try right? —————————– I was empty inside. I sat on the curb, and stared at the empty street. A million thoughts ran across my mind. I am stupid. I am a failure. I can never be like Nathaniel. I can never be wanted. Tonight would end it all; all of the pain, and suffering, all of the hopelessness; Everything. Tonight was my last night. Tonight would change everyone, and everything. I hated my life on Swift road. I hated the stupid little house, on the stupid little street in the stupid little town; I was forced to live in. I hated all of it, I hated my parents, I hated my brothers. I hate my life; Period. The cold piece, of thick metal, lay in my hand; I can end all of it right here, right now. I brought the sharp metal to my wrist. I pushed, and dragged as hard as I could. The blood pulsed out of my open veins, onto the street. I was ending it. Ending my stupid, pathetic life; I rested my head on hard concrete. Its all over, I can see the light; I think. ——————————- I was empty inside. I sat on the kitchen counter, and stared at the clock. A million thoughts ran through my head. Im pathetic. Im a loser. Im not pretty. Nobody wants me. I stared at the bottle of pain killers in my hand; hopefully they could live up to their name. I was ending it all; the pain, and the suffering, and the hopelessness. I would end everything. Tonight was my last night; tonight would …
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