Archive for the ‘Alcoholism Facts’ Category

Alcoholism: State Debate: Alcoholism No Excuse for Drunk Driving, Eau Claire Editor Argues

State Debate: Alcoholism no excuse for drunk driving, Eau Claire editor argues
Filed under: Alcoholism

A daily roundup of interesting newspaper editorials and blog posts from around Madison and Wisconsin.


Why alcoholism saps muscle strength
Filed under: Alcoholism

( Thomas Jefferson University ) Researchers have found a common link between muscle weakness in alcoholics and mitochondrial disease: mitochondria that are unable to self-repair. The research could lead to both a new diagnostic for mitochondrial disease and a new drug target.


Study Finds Alcoholism Drug May Shrink Mesothelioma Tumors, According to Surviving Mesothelioma
Filed under: Alcoholism

Researchers say a drug approved for the treatment of chronic alcoholism may help people with malignant pleural mesothelioma, too. (PRWeb April 22, 2014) Read the full story at


A Member of Al-Anon Recounts Struggle and Terror Living With Alcoholic Family Members
Filed under: Alcoholism

Researchers Identify Why Alcoholism Causes Muscle Weakness – Xinhua

Researchers identify why alcoholism causes muscle weakness – Xinhua
Filed under: Alcoholism

Medical Daily

Researchers identify why alcoholism causes muscle weakness
WASHINGTON, April 21 (Xinhua) — U.S. researchers said Monday that muscle weakness from long-term alcoholism may be due to an inability of mitochondria, the powerhouses of cells, to self- repair. In research conducted with rats, the researchers found …
Muscle weakness seen in alcoholism linked to mitochondrial repair issuesNational Institutes of Health (press release)
Why alcoholism saps muscle strengthEureka! Science News
Alcoholism Makes Muscles Weaker, Due To Drug's Long-Term Cellular DamageMedical Daily

all 19 news articles »



Potential New Treatment for Alcoholism: Ezogabine – Forbes
Filed under: Alcoholism

Counsel & Heal

Potential New Treatment for Alcoholism: Ezogabine
And in case you think alcoholism doesn't affect you, consider this: recent government statistics show that 17 million Americans have an “alcohol use disorder” and close to 25 percent of all Americans over 18 report binge drinking (5 drinks or more in
Epilepsy Drug to Treat Alcoholism?Monthly Prescribing Reference
A cure for alcoholism?Northdallasgazette
Alcoholism Cured By Anti-seizure DrugsCounsel & Heal
University Herald – –
all 9 news articles »

Alcoholism: Researchers Say Alcoholism Causes Muscle Weakness

Researchers say alcoholism causes muscle weakness
Filed under: Alcoholism

United States researchers said Monday that muscle weakness from long-term alcoholism may be due to an inability of mitochondria, the powerhouses of cells, to self- repair.


Chris S. AA Speaker “The Problem and The Solution” Recovery from Alcoholism

Chris S. (One of my favorite AA speakers) shares about what alcoholism is, and the solution. GREAT speaker tape! Enjoy! :) From the book Alcoholics Anonymous…


Related Alcoholism Information…

Is It Futile to Argue With Someone Who Holds a Certain Position for Illogical Reasons?

Question by : Is it futile to argue with someone who holds a certain position for illogical reasons?
Or is there an effective way to subvert their feelings.

As an example, a friend of mine is convinced there is no such thing as “alcoholism.” I’ve shown him literature from the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, the DSM-IV, all useless. Before you say that I’m simply appealing to authority, the literature goes into quite a bit of detail about why it classifies alcoholism the way it does.

Is there any way or any use in arguing with someone who does holds a position for irrational reasons?
I am a die hard Democrat and he is a die hard Republican, actually.

Best answer:

Alcoholism: Why Alcoholism Saps Muscle Strength

Why alcoholism saps muscle strength
Filed under: Alcoholism

Researchers have found a common link between muscle weakness in alcoholics and mitochondrial disease: mitochondria that are unable to self-repair. The research could lead to both a new diagnostics for mitochondrial disease and a new drug target. Muscle weakness is a common symptom of both long-time alcoholics and patients with mitochondrial disease.


News & Events
Filed under: Alcoholism

Muscle weakness from long-term alcoholism may stem from an inability of mitochondria, the powerhouses of cells, to self-repair, according to a study funded by the National Institutes of Health.


More Alcoholism Information…

Pole Question Is Spanking Kids Right or Wrong?

Question by : Pole question is spanking kids right or wrong?
For a pole so please reply with simple answers. This is not a troling topic or abuse topic

Best answer:

Answer by Linda R
Right depending on what ‘rule’ the child has broken.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Missoula Commissioner Carey refuses to explain extended absence
Filed under: alcoholism and abuse

“I think that the reason he got so sick was because of alcohol consumption, but I don't know if it was necessarily alcohol abuse,” Landquist said. “I think over time, grain alcohol sometimes takes its toll on you.” In an interview, Carey strongly …


Michael Le Vell completes rehab
Filed under: alcoholism and abuse

Source: Bang Showbiz; Date: 21 April 2014. comments. Michael Le Vell. Michael Le Vell has left rehab after completing his three-week stint for alcoholism following his drug confession last year. Michael Le Vell has checked out of rehab. … Michael …