Is It Legal for a Minor to Solicit Older Women Online?

Question by I looooove weed: Is it legal for a minor to solicit older women online?

I mean, hypothetically, of course!

Best answer:

Answer by Aaron Clinton
Not always

Add your own answer in the comments!

The Real Problem at Sandy Hook
Filed under: children alcohol abuse

We've moved from the main school problems being littering and talking out of turn, to drug and alcohol abuse, pregnancy, suicide, and assault. Our most valuable resource for the future, our children, must be protected. The level of our protection must …


The Bridge reaches out to troubled families
Filed under: children alcohol abuse

When the girl was 12 — six years after her parents' divorce — her father learned of The Bridge Youth & Family Services in Palatine and enrolled his family in counseling because of the strained relationship his ex-wife had with her children. The …


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