Drug Rehab Treatment Centers With a Graduate Assurance Program

Drug Rehab Treatment Centers with a Graduate Assurance Program

It is not every day that one may need a Drug Rehab Treatment Center; however, for some individuals life has turned into a continual process of checking-in and checking-out only to check-in to another program once again. At some point, the individual with a drug or alcohol addiction needs to be provided the tools in order to stop the cycle. Various treatment programs deploy an assortment of methodologies. Much like people, no two treatment programs are the same. Each produces different results.

The Narconon Vista Bay Treatment Center Program gets results. It is not a time-based program. The program is founded on results. The time that it takes to get results from a drug or alcohol program varies from person to person. Narconon Vista Bay understands this and their fee is for getting results, which means that the cost is all-inclusive. The goal of obtaining results is irrespective of how much time that it may take to learn the tools necessary to live without drug or alcohol addiction. The all-inclusive fee was deliberate so that people could take the time they need for resolution without the concern of time and additional fees. Their program typically takes about four to five months for a single individual.

The program is not a one-month turn-around program simply trying to churn people through the system for profit. Narconon Vista Bay has always been a non-profit organization with dedication focused on helping addicts and their families. The goal is to help people learn to live as liberated, productive and contributing members of society.

Narconon Vista Bay has a “Graduate Assurance Plan” which is essentially a service warrantee for any graduate of their program who is following their approved discharge plan. A graduate may return with no additional charge for up to 30 days if they relapse within six months of completing the program. The Graduate Assurance Plan is not only a testament to Narconon Vista Bay’s confidence in the success rate of their program, but it also reinforces their commitment to getting results and dedication to helping addicts.

Narconon Vista Bay is an absolutely drug-free program. They have the conviction that one should not replace an addiction with a prescription. Naturally there are rational exceptions, such as the acceptable use of insulin and blood pressure medication. The Narconon Vista Bay students learn how to come off of all drugs and alcohol and discover how to deal with life without the use of any substances.

Part of the program includes a Sauna Detoxification process that removes toxins at the cellular level. It is important to remove toxins from the body. When left inside the body, toxins can lead to cravings or even worse, relapse. The Sauna Detoxification Program includes daily supervised dry sauna sessions, specialized nutrition and fluid intake in order to improve the body’s natural ability to cleanse itself from toxins.

Narconon Vista Bay has over 42 years of successful service to addicts. With an astounding success rate over seventy percent. Through their dedication and objective demonstration of success at treating drug and alcohol addiction, Narconon Vista Bay has a program that gets results.

Article from articlesbase.com

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