Do You Think All Parents Should Receive Automatic Respect From Their Children?

Question by ??’? ??? g??? ???? ??? ??z??: Do you think all parents should receive automatic respect from their children?
Drug addicts?Alcoholics?Neglectful parents who only come around when they find their children useful?So many people say “respect your parents” When teens come here “complaining”.But if these are the type of parents they have should drug addicts and deadbeats be respected?
I hate the line my mom used to use “I brought you into this world” That’s not my fault. It’s not MY fault that she decided to have sex. That was her choice.

Best answer:

Answer by Bookatchou
I think respect is earned, whoever and whatever you are. If I do nothing to earn the respect of my child, then I do not deserve my child’s respect.

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