Addicted to Certainty: The Journey From a Cultural Cosmology to a Spiritual Cosmology

Addicted to Certainty: The Journey from a Cultural Cosmology to a Spiritual Cosmology

E. Jack Lemon has been a licensed therapist in private practice for over 25 years. He has utilized in his practice concepts that range from cognitive therapies to energy and bodywork. He is a certified hypnotherapist and is an ordained Presbyterian minister. He has explored extensively the many aspects of body, mind, and spirit. Like most therapists, he was searching for a healing process that worked for his clients. His frustration mounted over the years, because no matter what techniques he used, his clients, overtime, returned to many of their core beliefs. A breakthrough, as he states in the book, occurred when he discovered one must learn to ask different questions. Specifically these questions had to do with what and how rather than why the therapeutic results did not last long term. As a recovering alcoholic for 22 years, he was familiar with the concept of addiction. When he began to ask questions about what was necessary for people to maintain self-defeating patterns, he realized that the underlying principle for these patterns was that people were certain that the message of the pattern was true and real. They maintained this level of certainty even though their inner-self and friends told them that the message was untrue. The book Addiction To Certainty not only explores the developmental aspects of self-defeating behaviors and limits, but identifies the nature, structure, and process for their removal. Jack provides an effective structural map by which individuals can view their lives and make sense out of them. The book, Addicted To Certainty, lays out a five-step course of action utilizing Rene Descartes’ principal, I am thinking; therefore, I exist or as it is commonly stated, I think; therefore, I am. This enables an individual to experientially discover that his core issue is not only incorrect, but in fact impossible. The reality is that the only thing anyone can know for certain, is that he exists because he is aware th

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