Highlighting the Psychological Effects of Alcohol Consumption During Red Ribbon Week

Highlighting the Psychological effects of Alcohol Consumption during Red Ribbon Week

Using a Red Ribbon Week assembly to discuss the consumption of alcohol and the effects that alcohol has on the state of mind of teenagers, will go a long way in reducing the demand for alcohol and drugs in schools.

Youths that consume alcohol from a young age start experiencing psychological differences in their attitude, perspective and performance.  Countless surveys have been conducted over the years and one thing they have in common is that a psychological change happens in youths that drink alcohol.  The most prevalent change is that the youth starts losing interest in hobbies, school work, friends and activities that they previously enjoyed immensely.  Some parents often attribute this to teenage rebellion, only to discover later on that their child had started a trip down the road to substance abuse. Red Ribbon Week assembly programs create the perfect opportunity for teachers and schools to educate their students and parents to look out for the psychological effects of alcohol consumption.

Many youths who drink alcohol experience moments of distress caused by the psychological change.  Most of these youths do not have the skills or understanding to resolve the problems created by drinking alcohol and as a result, their behavior towards others starts to change.

In some youths their aggression is enhanced and others become overly charming and friendly, which is often interpreted as the youth “coming out of their shell.”  Whatever form of behavior change takes place; the fact that the change is obvious is a clear symptom of alcohol and substance abuse.  These changes in behavior should be clearly identified during Red Ribbon Week assemblies.

Red Ribbon Week assembly programs can be designed to incorporate the use and abuse of alcohol in youths quite easily.  With a little creativity and some initiative from parents and teachers, the psychological effects of alcohol consumption could change the opinions of many young American students.


Itson is an educational consultant for the BMX Pros Trick Team and Perfection On Wheels. Please visit us for Red Ribbon week programs and school assembly information.

Article from articlesbase.com

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